
Kimiのニューヨーク・トーチ・ソング・トリロジー第3幕 /  Kimi’s New York Torch Song Trilogy Act Three

第三幕 魅せられて(1940年、ロレンツ・ハートとリチャード・ロジャーズ)
 すると、私の横に、若い女性が、すっと腰かけ、黒っぽいペーパーバックをソファに置いたのです。みると、そのペーパーバックは、Kenji Yoshinoの『Covering!!! 
 お互いの連絡先をメモしようとしたが、メモらしき紙がすぐには出てこない。私は、Kenji Yoshinoの本に、著者ではないのに、名前とメールアドレスを。彼女には、ミカエルさんの本に書いてもらって。 
 Ronさんが渋滞で遅れ、ホテルの前で待っていたが、彼女はバスに。迎えにきてくれたRonさんに A miracle has happened! とさけんでました。ああ、あともうちょっとで、紹介できてたんだけどなあ、心残りだったところ・・・が、後日、彼女Romyさんにメールをしたところ。「あのあとね、バスからね、あなたたち二人の姿が見えたわよ!」ああ!よかった!直接言葉を交わしておひきあわせすることはなかったけれど、紹介することができた(ことになるのかな?
 そして、312日、旅の前夜に1109Rebecca  AkeloSeiと食事を共にしたときに、私のこれからしたいことは何なのか?と問われ、「LGBT活動をしていきたい!」と発したところから、このKimi’s G-Spotのタイトルが生まれ、contributorsが生まれ、サイト開設に向けて動き始めたのでした。 
 ぜひ、Kimi’s G-Spotdiscovering’していきたい方、どんどんお声をかけてくださいませ!

 (Coveringの読書会をTokyo Rainbow Week 2013企画として行います。詳細は4月20日付のエントリーをご覧ください。ご参加、お待ちいたしております!)


Act Three: “Bewitched, Bothered, and Bewildered” (1940/ Lorenz Hart and Richard Rogers)
  Before embarking on this trip, I drew an oracle card. “Who is to be my companion?” I asked. The card I chose was of Michael. This was to be a trip for one, but with Michael as a companion. 
  On my second day, I dropped in a Barnes and Nobles, and browsed the shelves. There was a book with the word Michael printed across the spine. Huh. I decided to buy it as a tribute to my travelling companion. Back at the hotel, I soaked in the bathtub and read this paperback. Michael, my trip is about to end, and I still have not felt like you are beside me. 
  It was a rushed five nights and six days. I managed to cram everything I wanted to do into that short period, and was waiting in the hotel lobby for Ron, who was to see me off to the JFK. A young woman sat next to me, and placed a paperback book with a dark cover on the sofa. It was Kenji Yoshino’s Covering! 

  I impulsively said to her, “ Sorry to bother you. I read that book, too. And after doing so, I came here four years ago to interview the writer. The writer’s partner is coming to see me off to the airport. If you’d like I could introduce you to his partner.” I desperately tried to express the joy I felt in this serendipitous encounter that Covering had produced. (Such a charming move at the very last moment, Michael.) 
  This young woman was from Germany, and had been studying in Baltimore. She was just about to catch a bus to fly back to her home country. She was reading Covering in her class at university. There were many notes in the margins of her copy. We were going to exchange contact details, but neither of us could find paper. I scribbled my name and email address into her copy of Covering, as if I were Kenji Yoshino autographing it, and she wrote her details into my book on Michael. She then said, “My boyfriend’s name is Michael.” Could this be Michael’s doing, too? 

  Ron got caught in the traffic. We waited in front of the hotel, but she had to board her bus. When Ron arrived, I exclaimed, “A miracle has happened!” It was such a disappointment that they missed each other by a few seconds. Or so I had thought. I sent Romy a message after returning to Tokyo, and she replied, “I saw the two of you from the bus!” I was so glad to hear this. I was unable to introduce them formally, but I did bring them together, in a way. One of my textbooks for the spring semester of 2008 had such repercussions in the spring of 2013.  

  On 12 March, the evening before my departure, I had dinner with 1109, Rebecca Akelo, and Sei. They asked me what it was I planned to do now that I finished my masters, and I blurted out, “I want to get involved with LGBT activities!” It was there and then that we came up with the name of this website, decided on the contributors, and began preparations to launch Kimi’s G-Spot. 

  When I returned, about a week later, the website was nearly ready. Such speed and such countless forms of stimulation—my G-Spot has not quite been able to take it all in and react to it properly yet.  

  If there is anyone who is interested in dis’Covering’ Kimi’s G-Spot with us, please do get in touch!

   (We will hold a Covering reading group meeting on 3 May, as part of the Tokyo Rainbow Week 2013. Details are posted in the 20 April entry. Please join us and share your thoughts on this exciting book!)

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